Abrasive Criticism
I am no longer prepared to tolerate the violation of my right to go about my daily business, the harassment and the ongoing attacks on my good name. So far this year, I have been under sustained attack from yourself and David Sheridan David Sheridan David Sheridan Director http://shipmytribike.ie/ https://www.facebook.com/people/David-Sheridan/509710707 https://ie.linkedin.com/in/david-sheridan-2b814968 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQYjh1VWoAAeeYP.jpg AAEAAQAAAAAAAAO0AAAAJDA5MmNlZmUyLWExNTMtNDQ4OC05ZmE0LWJkNzAyMjU3MDg5Mg.jpg http://www.ibye.ie/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/LEO-MN-9047-David-Sheridan.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BQUsuPhCcAEdouc.jpg http://www.longfordleader.ie/resizer/750/563/true/imported_images/20211af4fb26835f8a81661d70985759.jpg--david_sheridan_of_ship_my_tri_bike_.jpg https://www.google.ie/maps/@53.6568111,-7.7084984,3a,75y,90h,78.95t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqbxu3-iUb9chDfH3CJAVfQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Ship My Tri Bike Ship My Tri Bike Suite 17, Redleaf House, Townspark, Co. Longford, Ireland http://shipmytribike.ie/> https://www.facebook.com/shipmy.tribike/ https://www.facebook.com/739685492770783/photos/1146730052066323/ 0 (083)3068781 https://www.google.ie/maps/place/Redleaf+House,+Townparks,+Longford/@53.7242402,-7.8034786,15z/ that is having a serious effect on my ability to concentrate on my work and studies, as a result of entirely fictitious and unsubstantiated claims made against me.
For months now, I have been unable to enjoy the right to enjoy a swim that you claim in your previous letter, to confer on all your customers. Should I fail to second guess the physical movements of any swimmer Brian Gorman Brian Gorman Carpenter, Joiner https://www.facebook.com/brian.gorman.129 http://bestsmallcountry.ie/images/sitelogo.png http://bestsmallcountry.ie/video/vid_20160327_194333.png https://scontent.fdub1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p160x160/12038189_515237341975538_7155424719384826333_n.jpg?oh=da0f09c04edc2207ed3e2b54e1134be2&oe=5A792841 Lough Rynn Gatehouse Bed and Breakfast Lough Rynn Gatehouse B&B Rynn Mohill Co. Leitrim Ireland (086)8568284 http://www.loughrynngatehousebandb.ie/ https://www.google.ie/maps/@53.904477,-7.850177,17z https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/61/68/ab/lough-rynn-gatehouse.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-f/08/46/f8/e2/lough-rynn-gatehouse.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-w/10/61/68/41/b-b-grounds.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/61/68/89/outdoor-dining-area-covered.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/61/68/96/hall.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/61/68/9e/lough-rynn-gatehouse.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/61/68/a5/lough-rynn-gatehouse.jpg https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/10/61/7a/28/b-b-grounds.jpg 50 however unpredictable, or the (mis)interpretation they may make of my swimming, I will face accusations of "attack", "assault" and "bullying" and all the other poison that has been under my nose since July, and these will subsequently be counted as "statistics" to blacken my character.
Here's a statistic. I have for many years now been a regular swimmer, and had memberships in many pools around the country and beyond, and never had a single problem in any of them, except here. I swim in the same way in all of them, with due care and consideration to the wishes of other swimmers. What is going on here is deliberate, fabricated and deep in the gutter. My friends from this and other pools (and other acquaintances I've spoken to) can't believe what's happening to me here.
I asked how you believe I should "change my behaviour" to use your terminology, which I dispute. You have not answered, most probably because you can't, because I go to the swimming pool to SWIM, and as rule 15 states (over the water fountain) "Lanes are for lane swimming only".
I'll also take this opportunity to mention a GENUINE incident that occured twice during last year, when I was consistantly and deliberately kicked 3-4 times every time I met a particular swimmer. I made NO MENTION of this until the second day (about a month later), when I began to question myself whether or not this was the same person as a month ago. I made excuses for her the first day on the basis that there were others in the lane and she may have been trying to avoid oncoming swimmers, but on the second occasion there were no others in the lane, and therefore no excuse, and the contact was sufficiently heavy as to warrant apology. This person was well known to pool staff and would be defended whatever the facts. Mary Denneny Mary Sheridan Denneny Mary Denneny Duty Manager 086 070619 https://www.facebook.com/mary.denneny https://www.facebook.com/public/Mary-Sheridan-Denneny http://sometag.com/account/marydenneny/4739087077/ Longford Sports and Leisure Centre http://longfordsportsandleisure.ie/ County Longford Sports and Leisure Centre Public Sports Facility The Mall Longford Co. Longford Ireland 043 3346536 043 3346431 longfordsportscentre@eircom.net http://longfordsportsandleisure.ie/other/images/building_sm.jpg 1 will be able to identify her. The scramble to abdicate this swimmer of any blame contrasts starkly with the scramble to incriminate me with anything that can be contrived.
I have read your letter more than once, and I note the dates. I've had these poisonous accusations releasing their stink under my nose for FOUR FULL MONTHS without reply. The distress was such that after just ONE DAY I felt compelled to comment at the front desk. The only outcome (as you note) was that another opportunity was seized to catch onto a comment that could be subsequently used against me, as you've done. Four months on, you have a hard neck to expect a response within two weeks (which I'll address shortly).
I don't need to be reminded of the date of that reply you refer to as "abrasive". On 23 July I'd been planning how I'd organise my day so as to say goodbye to my mother, Margaret, who died the following Friday, 28th. My hands were shaking with rage and annoyance that such devious people could be so low and small minded and have nothing better to do with their time. I noted the great contrast between how easily I was intercepted to be made aware of "allegations", but I was the fastest thing on two legs that Longford ever saw when it might have been appropriate to intercept me to offer some condolences..
As I see things, for all the opportunities you've had, after four months, all you and David Sheridan can rake up on me are
- a misinterpretation,
- a resolved issue, and
- a hate mail that couldn't possibly have been written
by a responsible adult in their full senses
(I counted 22 lines, 15 gramatical mistakes and 12 factuals at minimum at an initial glance, not forgetting one "HA HA").
I note David Sheridan's inability to look me in the eye since misreporting the "incident" involving Mr. Atkins, with whom I've had amicable relations since. Shame on both of you.
The only conclusion I can make is that both you and David Sheridan are fabricating, are in this together, have contrived to cause maximum distress, and have succeeded in that goal. Consequently neither of you are in any position to make any judgement in relation to me.
I will have some reason to change this view if you outline the disciplinary measures you intend to take over this misreporting, and have it, along with a FULL APOLOGY AND WITHDRAWAL IN MY HAND (and not in a postbox where I no longer live) by the end of this week, Friday 26th. Beyond that deadline, I will consider all options at my disposal including legal. I trust this is clear and you appreciate the gravity and urgency of this matter.